A downloadable Phone-Venture for Windows

I made this a few years ago while messing around with Asterisk. It's a short, audio-only, stupid adventure, where you use your phone's touch-tone dialpad to navigate a cave in search of a dragon. IVRs are those pre-recorded voice menus that you have to navigate when calling a business -- press one for this, press two for that, etc.

There are two versions of the game. The original was written as an Asterisk dialplan script, and could be played over a VoIP connection. The second version was hastily ported over to the Kivy Python framework.

Source code for both versions is terrible is available. A 64-bit Windows build of the Kivy version is included in the downloads section.

I am setting this project's Release Status to 'On Hold' as I have not been able to test the dialplan version on a recent version of Asterisk, nor have I gotten packaging of the Kivy version for Linux / Mac to work. I successfully tested the Windows version on WIndows 10 64-bit, though it failed on a virtual machine that didn't support OpenGL 2.0. I hope to tie up these loose ends someday when I have more free time.


ivrgam_windows_x64.zip 20 MB
ivr-game-python-kivy-src.zip 3.6 MB
ivr-game-asterisk-dialplan.zip 4.3 MB

Install instructions

64-Bit Windows binary: Extract zip contents to a folder and run ivrgam.exe.
Kivy seems to require OpenGL 2.0 or higher.

Asterisk Dialplan: You would need a functioning Asterisk server to run this. (If you are not familiar with Asterisk, it's best to stick to the Kivy version.) The packaged dialplan files and sounds need to be copied to the server directories specified in _instructions.txt. The script is configured to use number 505 -- you may need to adjust this if you have an existing dialplan.

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